Notary Acts
Yuliati Gantini, SH.
Irma Rachmawati, SH. / surrogate
No. 6 Date 4th of July 2011
Widyatmoko, SH.
No. 14 Date 12th of April 2013

NPWP (Taxpayer ID Number)
No. 31.365.165.5-017.000

Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic Indonesia
No. AHU.-6720.AH.01.04 Year 2011

Social Institution Operational Permit
No. 007/10.3.1/31.74.04/1.848/2015

BAZNAZ Recommendation

Registered as Nazhir Wakaf in Badan Wakaf Indonesia
No. 3.3.00102

Lembaga Amil Zakat

Based on the decree of Regional Office Ministry of Religion Affairs No 395 year 2016